
On this website we host our web experiments. If you have received an invitation for an experiment and landed on this page, please contact the person who gave you the invitation. You probably received an invalid link.

If you are just curious for (other) experiments, please check the 'open experiments' section below!

Open experiments

While we mostly run our experiments on an invitation-basis, we sometimes run experiments in which anyone can participate. The following experiments are open to everyone:

There are currently no experiments open to everyone.


Are you a researcher affiliated to the ILS and do you want to host your experiment here? Please send an email to the lab team, and we'll help get you started!

Institute for Language Sciences

The Institute for Language Sciences (ILS) is the home of linguistic and communications research at Utrecht University.

This website is maintained by the ILS Labs for pyscholinguistic and language acquisition research.

ILS: Website
ILS Labs: Website